Jamaica - Winter 2000/2001

In the winter of 2000/01, I traveled to Jamaica with Paul Hime (Wash.U undergrad.) to collect samples for my Ph.D. dissertation on geographic variation and population structure in two Jamaican anole species (A. lineatopus and A. grahami). Here are some photos from our trip, all photos copyright 2001, please follow these simple rules if you'd like to use one of these photos. - REG May 5, 2002

Paul Hime with the crown-giant anole A. garmani. A gecko (Aristelliger) at Discovery Bay. A. opalinus A. valencienni dewlap.
A. lineatopus, the Jamaican trunk-ground anole A. lineatopus at Discovery Bay. Dewlap variation in A. lineatopus dewlaps from across Jamaica

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