The Glor Lab  

Displaying brown anole (Anolis sagrei) photographed in Cuba.


>Research Overview
>Lab & Field Studies
>Anolis Lizards
>Protocols & Data


Glor RE, Kolbe JK, Powell R, Larson A, and Losos JB. 2003. Phylogenetic analysis of ecological and morphological diversification in Hispaniolan trunk-ground anoles (Anolis cybotes group). Evolution 58: 2383-2397.
Aligned mtDNA dataset (in NEXUS format): cybotes.aligned.nex

Glor RE, Gifford ME, Larson A, Losos JB, Schettino LR, Lara ARC, and Jackman TR. 2004. Partial island submergence and speciation in an adaptive radiation: a multilocus analysis of the Cuban green anoles. Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of London Series B-Biological Sciences 271: 2257-2265.
Aligned mtDNA dataset (in NEXUS format): porc_hybrid_mt_FINAL.NEXUS
Aligned rhodopsin dataset (in NEXUS format): porc_hybrid_rh_FINAL.NEXUS

Glor RE, Losos JB, and Larson A. 2005. Out of Cuba: overwater dispersal and speciation among lizards in the Anolis carolinensis subgroup. Molecular Ecology 14: 2419-2432.
Aligned mtDNA dataset (in NEXUS format): dispersal_mtDNA_FINAL
Aligned rhodopsin dataset (in NEXUS format): dispersal_rh_FINAL

Nicholson KE, Glor RE, Kolbe JK, Larson A, Hedges SB, and Losos JB. 2005. Mainland colonization by an island species. Journal of Biogeography 32: 929-938.
Aligned dataset and r8s files available at:




Niche Modeling
Opening and troubleshooting data in ArcMap: ArcMap_Troubleshooting.PDF

Molecular Methods

Animal Care
Basic procedures for care of Anolis lizards: Lizard_SOP.PDF



  Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627