The Glor Lab  

Displaying brown anole (Anolis sagrei) photographed in Cuba.


>Research Overview
>Lab & Field Studies
>Anolis Lizards
>Protocols & Data

Selected Publications

Harmon, L. J., J. Weir, C. Brock, R. E. Glor, and W. Challenger. 2008. GEIGER: A statistical package for investigating evolutoinary radiation in a comparative context. Bioinformatics 24:129-131. | PDF

Glor, R. E., M. A. Johnson, and A. Larson. 2007. Polymorphic microsatellite loci for the Puerto Rican Crested Anole (Anolis cristatellus) and their amplification in related Puerto Rican species. Conservation Genetics 8:1491-1493. | PDF

Kolbe, J. J., R. E. Glor, L. Rodríguez-Schettino, A. Chamizo-Lara, A. Larson, and J. B. Losos. In 2007. Multiple sources, admixture, and genetic variation in introduced Anolis lizard ppulations. Conservation Biology 21:1612-1625 | PDF

Knouft, J. H., J. B. Losos, R. E. Glor, J. J. Kolbe. 2006. Phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of the niche and of species associations in lizards of the Anolis sagrei group. Ecology 87:S29-S38. | PDF

Revell, L. J., L. J. Harmon, R. E. Glor. 2005. Under-parameterized model of sequence evolution leads to biased estimates of diversification rate in molecular phylogenies. Systematic Biology 54:973-983. | PDF

Nicholson, K. E., R. E. Glor, J. J. Kolbe, A. Larson, S. B. Hedges, J. B. Losos. 2005. Mainland colonization by an island species. Journal of Biogeography 32:929-938. | PDF

Glor, R. E., A. Larson, J. B. Losos. 2005. Out of Cuba: overwater dispersal and speciation among lizards in the Anolis carolinensis subgroup. Molecular Ecology 14:2419-2432. | PDF

Glor, R. E., M. E. Gifford, A. Larson, J. B. Losos, L. Rodriguez-Schettino, A. R. Chamizo-Lara, and T. R. Jackman. 2004. Partial island submergence and speciation in an adaptive radiation: A multilocus analysis of the Cuban green anoles. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271:2257-2265. | PDF

Kolbe, J. J, R. E. Glor, L. Rodriguez-Schettino, A. R. Chamizo-Lara, A. Larson, and J. B. Losos. 2004. Genetic variation increases during the biological invasion of a Cuban lizard. Nature 431:177-181. | PDF

Glor, R. E., J. J. Kolbe, R. Powell, A. Larson, J. B. Losos. 2003. Phylogenetic analysis of ecological and morphological diversification in Hispaniolan trunk-ground anoles (Anolis cybotes group). Evolution 57:2383-2397. | PDF

Losos, J. B, M. Leal, R. E. Glor, K. de Queiroz, P. E. Hertz, L. Rodríguez Schettino, A. Chamizo Lara, T. R. Jackman, and A. Larson. 2003. Niche lability in the evolution of a Caribbean lizard community. Nature 424:542-545. | PDF

Losos, J. B. and R. E. Glor. 2003. Phylogenetic comparative methods and the geography of speciation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18:220-227. | PDF

Glor, R. E., L. J. Vitt, and A. Larson. 2001. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of diversification in Amazonian Anolis lizards. Molecular Ecology 10:2661-2668. | PDF

Glor, R. E., A.S. Flecker, M.F. Benard, and A.G. Power. 2001. Lizard diversity and agricultural disturbance in a Caribbean forest landscape. Biodiversity and Conservation 10:711-723. | PDF



  Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627